Handmade by Rae

Projects by Rose, Aron & Ethan

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Study Carrel

Study Carrel

A couple of hours with an 8’x4′ sheet cut into four, 1/4″ cork sheet, adhesive whiteboard paper and a roll of coloured duct tape and each boy has his own personalised work space.

Study Carrel

The finished carrel in immediate use

Aron at the whiteboard

Thinking at the whiteboard

Comfy Window Seat

Comfy Window Seat

MDF cut to size at friendly local lumber yard, high density foam, calico (formerly the curtain on an IKEA wardrobe), fluffy fabric (repurposed bed cover) and our trusty staple gun, and violà – a comfy window seat for easy reading!

Comfy Window Seat

Comfy Window Seat

More Kindle Covers

More Kindle Covers

As people admired Aron’s flaming cover, we started making slip covers for friends who wanted to personalise their existing Kindle cases.

More Kindle Covers

Handmade covers for store-bought Kindle cases

...and an inside view

…and an inside view

Flaming Kindle Cover

Flaming Kindle Cover, open

Small boys not being the most careful of creatures, we made a flaming cover to protect Aron’s new Kindle using cool fabric and heavy cardstock.  It certainly gets attention!

Flaming Kindle Cover, open

Flaming Kindle Cover, open

Flaming Kindle Cover, closed

…and closed

Wizard Towels

A&E dancing in their wizard towels

We added hoods to large beach towels to allow for easy drying and changing on the beach, or manic wizard dancing!

A&E dancing in their wizard towels

A&E dancing in their wizard towels

Lego Storage Bag

Lego Storage Bag, closed

A quick and easy solution, allowing A&E about 20 sq ft to spread out their Legos and find exactly the pieces they need – without burying the floor!

Lego storage bag, open

Space to spread out all your Legos…

Lego Storage Bag, closed

…and store it away neatly when you are done!